Text: Zechariah 4:6-10
Memory text
“The Lord will utterly destroy the tongue of the Sea of Egypt; With His mighty wind He will shake His fist over the River, And strike it in the seven streams, And make men cross over dry-shod.”
Isaiah 11:15 NKJV
Yesterday, we discussed about the waving, shaking, swinging, brandishing, and the uplifting of God’s hand as another dimension of God’s judgment over His enemies.
Today’s edition focuses on how God brings judgment, not only on human enemies but on things that stand as enemies in the lives of His people. Anything, be it situations or circumstances, that stand to oppose God’s will or word for your life is an enemy. Whatever stands to stop you from going forward to your God-ordained place or the place of fulfillment is an enemy. They are mountains and valleys of impossibilities. They are crooked and rough paths of delays. They are the gates of bronze that must be shattered and the bars of iron that must be broken. They are things competing for attention or for the worship of God and for the glory of God. They are things that exalt themselves above the knowledge of God. They come in the form of sicknesses and diseases, curses and yokes, failures and disfavour, deaths and destruction, barrenness and suffering, poverty and lack, and so forth.
According to our memory text, God shook His hand over the Red Sea, which is called the Sea of Egypt. He caused the East wind to blow over it, dividing it and creating a dry path on the sea bed (Exo 14:21). Having judged the human enemies, that is, the Egyptians and the Israelites had escaped from bondage, the Red Sea then stood as an enemy before them, preventing them from crossing over.
The deliverance from Egypt stands for the salvation and the deliverance from the power of sin. There are believers who have been saved but are not enjoying the full benefits of salvation. They are saved but have not crossed over to the land of fulfillment because of the tongue of the Sea of Egypt that has refused to allow them to cross over. Every attempt to cross over to a land of good health, good success, overflowing peace, and prosperity is resisted. They are out of Egypt but are not in the promised land! They have no life in abundance!
Friends, God has promised to shake His hands over the tongue of the Sea of Egypt in your life and to make a way for you. Engage that shaking hand of God today for your deliverance and total fulfillment. May the shaking of God’s hand divide the impassable Red Sea and level the impossible mountains before you, in Jesus’ name.
Prayer points
1. Father, please arise and shake Your hand over the impassable Red Seas and the impossible mountains before me, in Jesus’ name.
2. Father, please shake Your hand over everything opposing my fulfillment and make a way for me, in Jesus’ name.
Today’s declarations
1. When God shakes His hand, my problems receive solutions, and my fears become testimonies.
2. I bring judgment over the enemies of my progress and fulfillment by engaging the shaking hand of God.
Contact: pastor@thf.org.ng