Text: Zechariah 2:8-9
Memory text
“In that day Egypt will be like women, and will be afraid and fear because of the waving of the hand of the Lord of hosts, which He waves over it.”
‭‭Isaiah ‬ ‭19‬:‭16‬ NKJV

There is usually a warm-up moment in every sporting event. For example, in football, just before the footballers start the match, they move around the field, shake their bodies, and kick into the air and all sorts of preambles. Likewise, in the ancient days, when two enemies gathered to fight, it was common to see enemies of each side make some sorts of threats, like the waving of their weapons in the air.
Do you know that God also waves, brandishes, swings, or shakes His hand? This is also called the uplifted hand of God. He does not do this as a threat but to met judgment on His enemies. The waved hand is the judgment dimension of the hand of God.
“In that day Egypt will be like women, and will be afraid and fear because of the waving of the hand of the Lord of hosts, which He waves over it.”
‭‭(Isa‬ ‭19‬:‭16‬).
When God waves His hand, the enemies become weak, cower, shudder, and tremble in fear. They quake in fear like a person who has lost his sense of security and like a woman in labour. “There they were seized with fear and anguish, like a woman about to bear a child,” ‭‭(Psa‬ ‭48‬:‭6‬ ‭GNT).
When God waves His hand, the enemies become so confused and helpless that they act foolishly. This happened when three enemy nations suddenly came against Judah. As soon as Judah began to sing and praised God, the Lord began to wave His hand over the enemies. Thus, they began to fight against one another until they destroyed themselves. “For the people of Ammon and Moab stood up against the inhabitants of Mount Seir to utterly kill and destroy them. And when they had made an end of the inhabitants of Seir, they helped to destroy one another.”
‭‭(II Chro‬ ‭20‬:‭23‬).
What happened when God waved His hand against the Syrian army who had made a siege against Samaria? God waved His hand, and they fled in fear and left their tents, horses, and their donkeys! (2 Kings 7:7-8).
Friends, it doesn’t matter how mighty or how many your adversaries are, when God waves His hand against them, their might will fail them. God has not changed, nor has His hand become weak. Engage this judgment dimension of God’s hand over the adversaries of your life today.

Prayer points
1. Father, please, wave Your hand over my enemies and deliver me from every siege and captivity in Jesus’ name.
2. Father, by the waving of Your hand, let my adversaries be baptized with terror and confusion in Jesus’ name.

Today’s declarations
1. When the Lord waves His hand, my enemies cower in fear and are helpless.
2. Whether my enemies are mighty or many, I only need to engage the waved hand of God over them, and they will be defeated.

Contact: pastor@thf.org.ng