Text: Genesis 31:36-42
Memory text:
“And I will give this people favor in the sight of the Egyptians; and it shall be, when you go, that you shall not go empty-handed.”
Exodus 3:21 NKJV
The word “empty” is used literally to describe a lack of physical substance, spiritual desolation, or a lack of meaning or purpose. The goal of the devil is for you to go through this year empty or to end it in emptiness. I prophesy to you in the name of the Lord that, instead of emptiness, you will experience fullness in all areas of your life and endeavours throughout this year. You will end this year full, in Jesus’ name.
Laban wanted to send Jacob empty despite serving him faithfully for fourteen years. He wanted to waste his years of labour. He would have succeeded if not for divine intervention. “Unless the God of my father, the God of Abraham and the Fear of Isaac, had been with me, surely now you would have sent me away empty-handed. God has seen my affliction and the labor of my hands, and rebuked you last night.””
(Gen 31:42).
I decree failure to every evil program of emptiness over your life this year. You will not get out of your position, location, home, or out of this year empty.
Even though Pharaoh didn’t want to free the Israelites, yet his plan B agenda was to send them away empty. He wanted to send them out with nothing after about 430 years of slave labour. Is this not wickedness? Cruel people only use and dump. God knew about this evil, and He set out a plan to counter it. He also made the Egyptians pay heavily for all their labour (Exo 3:21).
To someone reading this devotional, I decree a seven fold restoration of all that have been stolen from you, withheld or everything owed you, in Jesus’ name (Prov 6:31). The Lord will appear to all your debtors or anyone sitting on your entitlement.
Friends, in the presence of God, there is fullness. You can’t be in His presence and be empty. He makes the hungry to be full and satisfies the desire of everyone. Make sure you abide in His presence throughout the year.
Prayer points
1. I come against the spirit of emptiness and desolation in my life, in Jesus’ name.
2. Father, arise and defend me against every spirit of Laban seeking to send me out empty, in Jesus’ name.
Today’s declarations
1. Because the Almighty God is my defender and restorer, I will not suffer emptiness or desolation throughout this year.
2. Instead of emptiness, I have spiritual, physical, and emotional fullness.
Contact: pastor@thf.org.ng