Text: 1 Timothy 1:18-20
Memory verse:
”having faith and a good conscience, which some having rejected, concerning the faith have suffered shipwreck,“ I Timothy 1:19 NKJV
When a man becomes a new creature, his spirit becomes new, and his conscience is completely purged. It becomes clean, possessing the sharpest sensitivity, and is able to work with the Holy Spirit as partners in the work of sanctification.
You see, you can’t ignore the work of the conscience if you want to live in sanctification, walk in God’s purpose, walk in the spirit, and in the anointing. To reject the work of the conscience and attempt to walk in the anointing is to prepare for a fall and disgrace, like Samson.
David learnt it and walked in it. “But then David’s conscience began bothering him because he had cut Saul’s robe.” (1 Sam 24:5). In another occasion, the scripture says, “But after he had taken the census, David’s conscience began to bother him. And he said to the LORD, “I have sinned greatly by taking this census. Please forgive my guilt, LORD, for doing this foolish thing.” (2 Sam 24:10). The CEV says, “…David realized he had done wrong…”.
Being faithful in dealing with your conscience is the first step in walking in sanctification. In fact, walking according to the conscience is the first indication of real spirituality. Every new believer must be taught how to esteem the promptings of his conscience. According to our memory text, no true spiritual progress can be made without this. It is foundational. It doesn’t matter the other spiritual acquisitions, if the foundation of respecting the conscience is not laid, they will all fail.
Don’t turn deaf ears to your conscience or violate it, so you won’t suffer shipwreck of your faith.
The work of the conscience is to testify to us whether we are right or wrong, whether our deeds, thoughts and words are according to God’s will or in rebellion. Unlike the conscience of the unsaved, the believer’s conscience goes beyond just knowing the right or wrong but knowing God’s will and purpose. The testimony of his conscience and the testimony of the Spirit are almost the same. This is a sign of spiritual progress (Rom 9:1).
Friends, when the Holy Spirit takes control of your conscience, it will become sharper day by day, until the voice of your conscience and the voice of the Holy Spirit are in harmony.
Prayer points
1. Father, please, help me to always respect my conscience and never to reject its voice, in Jesus’ name.
2. Father, let Your Holy Spirit take complete control of my conscience and bear witness to it in Jesus’ name.
Today’s declarations
1. I keep standing strong in faith because I don’t reject the testimony of my conscience.
2. The more I permit the Holy Spirit to rule my conscience, the sharper and keener my conscience will be.
Contact: pastor@thf.org.ng