Text: Mark 16:16-18
Memory verse:
“Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.”
Luke 10:19 NKJV
Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution claims that human beings descended from apes. What an error! If that is true, it means that human beings can never possess the leadership spirit. Apes are not even first nor do they rule in the animal kingdom.
However, the word of God reveals that God created all things, He is supremely above all things and He rules sovereignly above all things. He is the Leader God. Man originated from Him. Man is the copy and the image of this Leader God.
“Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; …” (Gen 1:26)
Therefore, since our origin is of God, every man therefore possesses an inherent leadership ability. Just like the fish has the natural endowment to swim in the waters and the birds to fly, so man has the natural ability to exercise dominion on earth and its environment. This means we are made to lead, govern, rule, reign and to have authority. We are to have dominion over all things, including the apes. Dominion is our primary purpose. Thus, just like God designed the fishes to swim and the birds to fly, God designed man to exercise dominion, that is, to always be in charge of situations and circumstances.
“Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “… have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” (Gen 1:28)
Man was made to take charge. This is our natural endowment and we find fulfillment when we do it. In contrast, we simply feel unhappy when we are not in control. For example, we are sad when we go down with sickness or when we have no money to meet our needs, as these show that we are not in control.
However, man lost this dominion when he separated from God. But, praise God, Jesus came to reconnect us to our Source and to restore our leadership potential. Glory!
Prayer points
1. Thank You Jesus for reconnecting me to God, my Source and for restoring my leadership potential.
2. Father, please, help me never to allow sin to disconnect me again in Jesus name.
Today’s declarations
1. My purpose is dominion over the earth and its environment and I have been designed with the natural ability to fulfill that purpose.
2. Through Christ Jesus, I have been reconnected to my Source and I have regained my leadership potential.
Contact: pastor@thf.org.ng