Text: Numbers 13:25-33;14:28-38
Memory text:
“Death and life are in the power of the tongue: And they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭18‬:‭21‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Evelyn was a humble woman living in a quiet village. She carried a secret source of strength—her faith, even in life challenges. Every morning, she sat on her porch and read aloud from the Bible, filling the air with words of hope, promises, and truth. Her neighbours often teased her, wondering why she wasted her breath. But Evelyn always smiled and replied, “The Word of God is life. When I speak it, I speak life over myself.” Years passed, and Evelyn remained healthy and sharp, even as those around her began to feel the weight of age.
One day, a storm struck, leaving the entire village shaken and people devastated. Evelyn, however, stood firm, walking from house to house, speaking words of encouragement.
Evelyn lived to see her great-grandchildren and still speaking the Word of God until her last breath. On her 100th birthday, her great-granddaughter asked her the key to her long life. With a twinkle in her eye, Evelyn said, “When you speak God’s Word, you are aligning yourself with the very breath of life. It’s not just words—it’s His promise to sustain you.”
“Would you like to enjoy life? Do you want long life and happiness? Then keep from speaking evil …..” ‭‭(Psa ‭34‬:‭12‬-‭13‬ ‭GNT‬‬).
Yes, being a covenant child gives you access to the Abrahamic covenant of a long and good life, but this is not enough. You must guard your tongue from speaking evil. What does it mean? Evil speaking is saying anything that is contrary to what the word of God says, irrespective of the situation on ground. It’s natural to speak the contrary but you must choose to deviate from the common trend.
While Joshua and Caleb prolonged their lives by their good words, the other ten leaders who went to spy the land of Canaan shortened their lives with their evil report. “And they brought up an evil report of the land which they had searched, unto the children of Israel…”
Your tongue has the power to release poison or life-giving substances, depending on how you use it (Prov 18:21). Most people don’t appreciate its power because its effect is not instant but gradual. You have the power to choose your words but not the consequences (Deut 30:19-20).
Friends, no matter how pressing or unreasonable, refrain from speaking evil but good. Speak only what God says. Your tongue is a pen, and your life is its notebook. Write wisely.

Prayer points
1. Father, please sanctify my thoughts and my tongue, lest any evil report proceed from me again, in Jesus’ name.
2. By the power of the Spirit, I bring my tongue under subjection, and I forbid evil speaking, in Jesus’ name.

1. I will not misuse this honour and privilege that God has given me to prolong my life by the right use of my tongue.
2. No matter how pressing and how unpopular it is, I will never give evil reports, but what God says.
